Extension Lecture on Ecological Succession and Hydrosere &Xerosere on 06-05-2020 organized by Dept.of Botany,Girraj Govt.College(A),Nizamabad


Extension Lecture on Ecological Succession and Hydrosere &Xerosere 

on 06-05-2020 

Organized by Dept.of Botany,Girraj Govt.College(Autonomous),Nizamabad-

Telangana State

Resource Person-Dr.A.Vijaya Bhasker Reddy, HOD,Dept.of Botany,Nizam College(A),Osmania UNiversity,Telanagana State.

Dr.P.Latha,HOD,Dept.of Botany

Dr.E.Laxminarayana,Principal,Girraj Govt.College(A),Nizamabad

Lecture -I-video Link

Lecture video-Part-I

   Lecture video-Part_II


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