Herbarium Displey in Botany Deprtment,Girraj Government College(A),Nizamabad-Best Practices

Inauguration of Herbarium to promote the regular collection and prepare & display on Notice Board by 

Students on 13th August 2019

                          Best Practices

  In order to create awareness among the students and to know the importance of Herbarium, Department of Botany inaugurated the Herbarium, to promote the regular collection and preparation of Herbarium by the students.

Objectives:By this Herbarium students identifies the plant species with the help of morphology and identifies its family and genus. 

Botany - Best Practice

1.   Title of the Practice

            Preparation of College Herbarium.

            Enhancing research aptitude of students with student study projects.

2.         Goal

            To increase the research aptitude and team work by collecting the local flora.

3.         The Context

            Students of Life Science have the research ability and interest in application of Taxonomy. Students are motivated to take the project work and research to collect the flora from the local forest and near by villages. The project work was introduced as a part of the syllabus.

4.         The Practice

            As a part of curriculum project Preparation of College Herbarium was undertaken by the students and evaluated by the faculty. All the students are motivated to do project work. Students collect the plant specimens from the local forest, and identify them with the help of local floras. The plant twigs are poisoned with HgCl2 solution and pressed and dried. The dried specimens are pasted on Herbarium sheets and labelled.

5.         Evidence of Success

            Students collected more than 100 plant specimens of many medicinal value, timber yielding, gum producing and fruit species.

6.         Problems Encountered and Resources Required

            Students encountered problems in collecting the twigs with flowers from tall plants and climbers.




Botany - Best Practice

 Title of the Practice

            Preparation of College Herbarium.

            Enhancing research aptitude of students with student study projects.

2.         Goal

            To increase the research aptitude and team work by collecting the local flora.

3.         The Context

            Students of Life Science have the research ability and interest in application of Taxonomy. Students are motivated to take the project work and research to collect the flora from the local forest and near by villages. The project work was introduced as a part of the syllabus.

4.         The Practice

            As a part of curriculum project Preparation of College Herbarium was undertaken by the students and evaluated by the faculty. All the students are motivated to do project work. Students collect the plant specimens from the local forest, and identify them with the help of local floras. The plant twigs are poisoned with HgCl2 solution and pressed and dried. The dried specimens are pasted on Herbarium sheets and labelled.

5.         Evidence of Success

            Students collected more than 100 plant specimens of many medicinal value, timber yielding, gum producing and fruit species.

6.         Problems Encountered and Resources Required

            Students encountered problems in collecting the twigs with flowers from tall plants and climbers.



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