Inauguration of Herbarium to promote the regular collection and prepare & display on Notice Board by Students on 13th August 2019 Best Practices In order to create awareness among the students and to know the importance of Herbarium, Department of Botany inaugurated the Herbarium, to promote the regular collection and preparation of Herbarium by the students. Objectives:By this Herbarium students identifies the plant species with the help of morphology and identifies its family and genus. Botany - Best Practice 1. Title of the Practice Preparation of College Herbarium. Enhancing research aptitude of students with student study projects. 2. Goal ...
International Conference on PLANTS AND ENVIRONMENT on 08-02-2021 Organized by Department of Botany,Girraj Government College(A), Nizambad, In Collaboration Council for Green Revolution ,Hyderabad Department of Botany,Telangana University Telengana State, INDIA. Prof.Naseem, Registrar and Dean,Faculty of Science and Computer Science,Telangana University, Telanganna State Dr.E.Laxminarayana, Principal,GGC(A),Nizamabad Prof. P.Kamalakar , Head,Department of Botany Osmania University, Hyderabad. YouTube Link: Vice Principal_Dr.Abdur Rafeeq Dr.A.A.Haleem Khan,Asst.Prof.of Botany,Chairman,BoS ,T.S Prof.VidyaVardini,Head,Dept.of Botany,Teangana University Dr.P.Latha,Head,Dept.of Botay,Girraj Governmen...
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