Botanical Garden work at Dept.of Botany, Girraj Govt.College(A), Nizamabad-2021-22


saplings to staff & Guests 

dt. 29-11-2021


Garden work on 7 ,8  July 2021


Garden work at Botanical Garden ,Girraj Govt. College(a),NIZAMABAD on 02-09-2021

Carissa carandas is a species of flowering shrub in the family Apocynaceae. It produces berry-sized fruits that are commonly used as a condiment in Indian pickles and spices.

Garden work at Botanical Garden ,Girraj Govt. College(a),NIZAMABAD ON 02-09-2021


Garden Work at Shadenet at Girraj Govt. College(A), Nizamabad on 05-09-2021

Botany Faculty, & Attender- Garden Work at Shadenet at Girraj Govt. College(A), Nizamabad on 05-09-2021


compost to plants on 13-09-2021

Plantation -Snake Plant on 14-09-2021
Saplings for plantation on 21-09-2021 at GG 

Saplings for plantation on 21-09-2021 at GG 


Tree Plantation on 22-10-2021
Tree Plantation on 22-10-2021

Swachh Bharat on 22-10-2021


Swachh Bharat on 26-10-2021

Swachh Bharat on 26-10-2021

Dry leaves collection for compost preparation on

Dry leaves collection for compost preparation on

Vermi bag for compost Preparation

sapling for tree plantation  08-11-2021


Cleaning activity & Preparation of pond for Hydrophytes at Botanical Garden ,Girraj Government College(A), Nizamabad on 10-11-2021


Platation on 12-11-2021 at infront of Botany department

Tree Plantation on 12-11-2021


Garden Work at Botanical Garden Girraj Government College(A),Nizamabad

Tree Plantation on 15-11-2021 by D.Kishan, Junior Lecturer in Botany TSSWRS,Dharmaram(B),Nizamabad and BOS member -2021,Alumini of GGC 


Tree plantation 18-11-2021 collection from Nursery ,Nagaram ,nizamabad


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