Field Visit (Botanical Tour) at Mallaram Range of Manchippa Reserve Forest ,Nizamabad District,T.S. orgnised by Dept.of Botany ,Girraj Government College(A),Nizamabad

 Field Visit (Botanical Tour) at Mallaram Range of Manchippa Reserve Forest , Nizamabad District,T.S.on 26-11-2021 
orgnised by Dept.of Botany ,Girraj Government College(A),Nizamabad.

    As a part of curriculum department of Botany has taken B.Sc. III year students a strength of 60 to   Mallaram Range of Manchippa Reserve Forest , Nizamabad District,Telangana State
Forest Range officer - Padma Rao,
Forest Section officer-
 Forest Beat officers  -  Manju Latha & Archana

B.Sc.BZC Final Year students-2021-22

           Department of Botany , Girraj government College (A), Nizamabad organized a field trip and Botanical tour for B.Sc.  BZC – lll year students as a part of curriculum. We got permission to visit the Mallaram (North) Range forest from DFO, Nizamabad. About 60 students and  6 faculty were participated in this program. We started from the college at 10 am on 26 November, 2021 and reached the nature park, compartment no 179 of Mallaram (North) Range.  We travelled the journey of 20 kms by TSRTC bus. Forest officials accompanied with us in this trip, were P.Padma Rao, Forest Range Officer, North range, Forest Section Officer Bhasker,Forest Beat Officer Manjulatha and Archana. After trekking of 1.5 kilometers we reached the View Point of Nature Park which is 28 meters of height from mean sea level.

The forest officials explained about the forest, interacted with students and described about the importance of biodiversity. They demonstrated the wild trees and shrubs of this area. They brought the awareness to the students about the conservation practices of wild species. They also explained about the wild animals of the forest.  

 Students completed their lunch at 1.00 pm, and roamed around the forest. They collected the flower twigs of trees, identified with the help of Floras ( Trees of Hyderabad ), Flora of Nizamabad and Pollen Flora of Nizamabad. The collected flowering twigs were preserved in the polythene covers for Herbarium preparation.

eenadu dt.27-11-2021

Head,Dept.of Botany -Dr.P.Latha
 Deepak Parmar & Dr.P.Ravi Raj,
Asst.Prof.of Botany

Girraj Govt.College(A),Nizamabad

Dr.P.Latha, Deepak Parmar, Dr.P.Ravi Raj , D.Latha, M.Gopal 

Dr.P.Latha, Deepak Parmar, Dr.P.Ravi Raj ,
D.Latha, M.Gopal , Amreen Ara

B.Sc.BZC Final Year students-2021-22


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